No Venue RequirementsАвтор plasticbox:excl: Мод устарел.Мод убирает требования к количеству предметов *, от которых зависит статус общественного
Estuary Mod V2 Zip Děkuji za Vaší obrovskou podporu! !Upozornění! Downloady mohou nevratně poškodit hru Módy zmíněné ve videu: 1. Lodičky - www.thesimsr…ria-shoes/id…ArSePo - The Sims 4 návody: Stavíme školu aneb Hurá do školy! vytvořil pro hráče mod Go to School Mod Pack (Hurá do školy!), který odemyká dva nové typy pozemků. Jedná se o pozemky se základní a střední školou. It might be useful to have Zerbu's Get To School mod in your game at first, just so you can easily search for schools in the gallery (some are listed as “elementary school” or “high school” and that venue only shows up with his mod… Do your Sims have what it takes to rule the city? Life in SimCity is getting busier and busier, and … Click MORE FOR Timestamps Hey guys! Just Another Girl requested for a cinematic camera tutorial, so I thought I'd showcase some mods that'd go well with it, Broken/Updated Mods & CC: University edition — The Sims Forums, I won't list broken mods that are Patron-only or otherwise non-public and have been so for over a month, or nonpublic updates to those mods. Kailani Silver. Is she an Alien? Is she a Vampire? Is she a Werewolf? She's Just Kailani. A normal(ish?) person who modified herself to her liking!
zerbu: Without further ado, the Venue List Mod über 10 Matching zerbu venue list mod. If you came here looking for the "More CAS Presets" mod, see this post for a download link and information on Скачать Mod Pack: В университет для Sims 4, the беспалтно и без регистрации Затем проверьте вашу папку с package, если найдете там файлы Zerbu - Turbo Careers Mod Pack - Career Overrides и Venue List Mod, удалите их. The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Mod: Venue Changes by zerbu На моей пиратке всё отлично работает,задания есть,с модом на школу вроде как конфликтов не заметила ,правда ,я пока тестировала только одну Мод «ТУРБО КАРЬЕРЫ»: ЧАСТЬ 1 - ЧАСТЬ 2 -
Хотите отправить своих симов в университет? Если да, то мод "В Университет!" для вас.Добавляет три специальности в игру, каждая из которых имеет уникальные цели: Физическая культура, Изящные zerbu: I’ve updated the Venue List Mod for the new Spa Day Game Pack. The new “Spa” venue type will appear with it: Sorry if this is a stupid question For those who have the Get To College mod what is Zerbu's modified venue list mod? zerbu: “Without further ado, the Venue List Mod has been updated for Newcrest: Now, bare in mind that I haven’t tested Отличный мод Get to College от simmythesim, для того чтобы отправить своих симов в колледж и наделить их знаниями. В игре появится три специальности физическая культура, музыка и искусство.
The Sims 4 Mod: Venue Changes This mod alters which venues are available in The Sims 4. This mod: • Adds modded venue types to the selector in Build Mode. It is required to build venues for mods
Download the zip file; If you are updating, delete the old files from your Mods folder custom venues to your game, if you have Zerbu´s Get To School/College mod, (The Venue List in this mod includes their venues as well, so you should be Jul 28, 2015 The mod adds three venues: Physical Education building, Fine Arts If you have a previous Zerbu- Venue List mod, remove it and install in the The latest Tweets from Zerbu 🦞 (@ZerbuTabek). - Creator of various mods, tools and other stuff for #TheSims4! Future indie game You can download the Venue in download section or here. Link is here: and in the active household (i.e. it shows up in the list of sims in the bottom left corner). DOWNLOAD HERE (updated, should now include absent-minded trait in “All It can also serve as a career lot (using Zerbu's Turbo Careers mod) – there's an but I can't change the high school option on the venue list says (old) next to it??? Mar 12, 2019 You can download Zerbu's mod here, if you'd prefer to use that method. Under the Club Activities, list the things you have in your school.