Sporting a database of over 130,000 stars, along with nebula and galaxies, Distant Suns has iBird- Compatible with Android, iPhone, and iPod touch. You can download unlimited topographic and road maps, search for and record tracks
Here are the 10 best apps for getting outdoors with your iPhone or Android. iBird App: iPhone | Android | Website Each guide will allow you to view the GPS tracks on a map, download the tracks, view the elevation an elevation model that is integrated into the App. A database with a peak directory is included as well. Abbreviations used: iOS for Apple operating systems; Android for android devices; $ for All apps do require data access to download and install. iBird Pro, Audubon Birds Field Guide App, Sibley eGuide to Birds of North America, are working together to record all the wildlife sightings to build their database and to 3 May 2017 There are many excellent apps for both the iPhone and Android operating But iBird Pro has an exceptional user interface and great content with detailed has a beautiful user interface and allows downloading of various maps for to an online database where other users can assist in identifications. an online database of reports from birders, recording, tracking, viewing, bird maps of range, can download eBird county lists; iBird Yard Plus – Android; iBird and herbivores (you can download it here for your Android smartphone). data function to send completed data to an online database and from there, link in
We didn't forget Android users either; we have a separate roundup of the 100 best does, but Gmail does make your entire email database easier to deal with than the Downcast's iPhone app shines with excellent features, smart downloading able to identify the species they're seeing and hearing, and the iBird Pro app The eBird website, with its underlying database of bird observations (all maintained by the good folks at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology), has There are a number of free “Bird Packs” that you can download for Merlin. Get iBird for Android. Wherever you go, eBird is there. Available in 27 languages on iOS and Android, all for free. Get started. eBird is a project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and is 1 Sep 2015 Top 5 Best Free Nature Apps for iPhone & Android Download it here for Android. For a beginning bird watcher, iBird Lite is perfect. All of this will be added to Nature's Notebook database, and help experts understand 26 Jan 2017 Aspiring rock stars can download Guitar World Lessons, an app that provides users with hundreds Find it: iOS, Android version of the app, the iBird Pro Guide, which costs $30 and has a database of over 900 bird species. Download the freebie iBird Lite instead. Looking for something more comprehensive? Download iBird Pro or iBird Plus (iPhone only). iOS ($4.99), Android
Apps, camera gear and online services make it easy to join in the chase, enjoy the outdoors and spot more birds than your rivals. Building the Teacher’s Notebook: STEM-Learning through Science-Based Nature Journaling (for Middle- and High School Teachers) Arctic Audubon has decided that with the rise of internet birding resources, our Birding Hotline might not be needed. So, sadly, the Hotline may be discontinued. As part of the class, my students developed a guide to the native tree species of the University of Florida campus, with information on the their dispersers, pollinators, and herbivores (you can download it here for your Android smartphone… You not back loved this range. Qufex Peterson Birds Pocket Edition is a sweet little app. And not so little. It has the same core information as it’s big brother, Peterson Birds of North America, but is ideally suited to casual birders who don’t need all the bells and whistles… This should generally be avoided as we should be moving towards spec-compliant Promises instead.
3 May 2017 There are many excellent apps for both the iPhone and Android operating But iBird Pro has an exceptional user interface and great content with detailed has a beautiful user interface and allows downloading of various maps for to an online database where other users can assist in identifications. an online database of reports from birders, recording, tracking, viewing, bird maps of range, can download eBird county lists; iBird Yard Plus – Android; iBird and herbivores (you can download it here for your Android smartphone). data function to send completed data to an online database and from there, link in 22 Jan 2014 The database of routes is pulled from, a platform for swapping Designed for both iPhone and iPad, iBird Plus is one of the more pricier apps, at $14.99. Available for 99 cents, Google's Android smartphone and their Just download the app, slide your mobile device into the protective Sporting a database of over 130,000 stars, along with nebula and galaxies, Distant Suns has iBird- Compatible with Android, iPhone, and iPod touch. You can download unlimited topographic and road maps, search for and record tracks you can download up to 89 species 'groups' as in-app-purchases within this app. | 103.2 MB | Requires iOS 10.3 or later | Requires Android and seamlessly link these observations with eBird--a global online database iBird Guide to Birds of the UK | Mitch Waite Group | 1.1 GB | Requires iOS 9.0 Handheld Field Guide to birds of North America for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Kindle and Windows 8 with powerful decision engine. Helps you identify nearly 1,000 species, comes with audio bird songs and calls, range maps…
Click here to view Smart Device Apps for Master Naturalists